How long does it take to reach the next level ?

At the Alliance Française, we propose that students can expect to reach CEFR levels with the following number of  cumulative hours of instruction:

A1 60–100, A2 160–200, B1 360–400, B2 560–650, C1 810–950, C2 1060–1200.

In other words, if you are a complete beginner, it will take you between 60 to 100 hours to complete A1. This translates as one year on the basis of 2h30 hours of week of tuition.

What do these levels mean in terms of English exams and accreditation ?

It is difficult to align exactly the European levels against English examinations but broadly speaking:

A1 – GCSE Foundation Tier
A2 – GCSE Higher Tier
B1 – AS Level/A Level

Please note that we also offer exam preparation courses – contact us for more details.

How do I enrol?

First have a look at the classes we offer. 

If you know your level in French, then simply fill in our online form, pick your class and follow the instructions for the payment of the fees.

If you don't know your level and you want to assess it, we invite you to use the online IF/AF placement test to identify the best possible class for your needs.

Please bear in mind that you can contact us (  if what you need to know is not on this website or if you wish to discuss your needs further.

You can find our Enrolment Conditions here.

How do I become a member?

See our membership page.

How can I donate?

See our donations page.

How do I know my proficiency?

CEFR and Levels of Proficiency
From A1 to C2 !

The Common European Framework proposes three broad levels of proficiency (A, B and C), each of which has two sub-levels, eg, A1, A2. Each level and sub-level is associated with a description of what the learner is able to do for that level in understanding, reading and writing.

For a complete ‘picture’ of proficiency levels, see the Council of Europe