These courses will enable you to maintain your level of French by developping advanced grammar, extending your vocabulary to a specialised level and studying in depth topics. You will argue about a variety of subjects from current affairs to philosophical ideas.


Cosmopolite 5 - Livre de l’élève + Newspapers, videos, radio etc.


-> C1.3 (Online) - Monday, 6.30-8.30pm

-> C1.3 (Online) - Wednesday, 10-12am


10-week course

Start date: Monday 24th February 2025

End date: 16th May 2025

Half-Term Break : 07/04 - 18/04

Monday 17th February will replace Monday 21st April

Spring Term: 24th February - 18th May

Early Bird Discount (until 9th February)*

Members: £175 / Non-members: £197

Not a member yet? Become a member at your time of registration (+£20 or if you are a high school or university student: £16)


Regular Fees for one term (from 10th February)

Members: £185 / Non-members: £205

Not a member yet? Become a member at your time of registration (+£20 or if you are a high school or university student: £16)

Payment method:

Bank transfer (preferred), cheque or cash

Bank account details :

Virgin Money (formerly Yorkshire Bank)
Sort Code: 05-01-66
Account number: 37315885

*Payment must have been received before that date. If payment is received after that date, regular fees will apply. Installment payment available (please contact us)

Please use our contact form to get in touch with us and to discuss your level and needs. We will then make sure we find the most suitable group for you and guide you through our registration process.

As a student of AF Leeds you benefit from a 10% discount on the La Page Bookshop website, make sure you use the discount code AFLEEDS in your basket to have the discount.