Défi Inter Alliances 2025, c’est parti !
This year, we are delighted to offer you again the chance to participate in the DEFI Inter-Alliances, a competition between many Alliances from the world.
Le DEFI is a general knowledge quiz on French and Francophone cultures. This competition allows you to meet and challenge other French learners, first within your Alliance, then from the UK network with the AFs of Bristol/Bath, Devon, Jersey, Leeds, Manchester, Oxford and York, and finally with European and worldwide Alliances.
Frequently asked questions:
Who can take part in the DEFI Inter-Alliances 2025?
To partake in the competition, you need to be a student from a participating Alliance at least 18 years old by July 2025.
Contestants need to be in an A2 (and beyond) class since, at least, 1st January 2025.
French natives are not allowed to take part in the DEFI.
How does it work?
The DEFI Inter-Alliances is divided into 4 steps:
Step 1: a local selection within your Alliance to choose our best participants with a quiz of 20 questions.
Step 2: a national selection. The best 2 of each local selection will then challenge themselves in a 25-question quiz.
Step 3: a geographical zone (Europe for us) semi-final. Our best 2 contestants of the national selection will then represent the UK in the geographical semi-final.
Step 4: the international final. Every winner of the geographical zone semi-final (6 in total) will meet in person for the 2025 final!
Steps 1 to 3 are held online, via Zoom and through the digital platform Kahoot to answer the questions. Consequently, you will need 2 digital devices (we recommend using a laptop/tablet and a smartphone).
As for the international finale, you will meet with the other international winners to compete in person (in Nice, France!)!
When does it take place?
From the local selection to the semi-final, these steps will be on Saturdays:
The local selection will take place on Saturday 5th April, 11am (BST). We are aiming at communicating the winners within the following week.
Our UK selection will be on Saturday 10th May, at 10am (BST). Our winning representatives will be given within the following week.
The semi-final will be on Saturday 24th May, time is to be confirmed.
The international final will take place in Nice (France), on the week commencing Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July.
How much is it?
Participating in this competition is completely free!
What do we win?
For every step, the winner(s) will be awarded a prize.
The local winners will be offered a 15% off voucher for their next course at the Alliance Française de Leeds!
Our national winners will be given a £105 voucher for the registration of their next course in their Alliance Française.
The geographical semi-final winner will have the opportunity to win a week in Nice (transport and accommodation are provided) in July to participate in the international final!
Any further questions, please contact either Agathe Cintrat at directorafdy@gmail.com or Manon Veyssières at director@afleeds.org.uk
We are hoping to see you in numbers!
It is also very important that you read the Terms & Conditions of the competition