The Alliance Française de Leeds is the only accredited centre in West Yorkshire.
The DELF and DALF are official French language proficiency qualifications administered and awarded by the French Ministry of Education. They are valid for life and recognised internationally.
They are available at 6 different levels.
The DELF, for beginners and intermediate learners, at A1-A2-B1-B2.
The DALF, for advanced-level candidates, at C1-C2.
DELF B1 is the minimum level accepted for the French naturalisation process.
DELF B2 is required by most French universities for students who want to enrol on a course
Each exam assesses four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
You can enrol directly on the exam at the level you require, without any proof of prior study or any other qualification.
For more information on the exam format and to access sample papers, visit France Education International.
What are the benefits of a DELF/DALF qualification?
an official statement of your French level, which can be used for French nationality applications and many other purposes;
proof of how much your French has improved;
career advancement and an official qualification for your CV;
recognised proof of level for studies at a French university or institute of higher education;
a challenge and a chance to revise what you know.
Session dates, prices and enrolment
You will receive your results approximately 4-8 weeks after the exam. It takes around 3-4 months after that to receive your diploma, which is now the only document you can use for official procedures.
The next session will be in June 2025.
Results will be sent on 4 August 2025.
Registration deadline is 1st May.
DELF A1 - Monday 2nd June -£95 (speaking exam on 2nd June / Written exam on 2nd June)
DELF A2 - Tuesday 3rd June - £100 (speaking exam on 3rd June / Written exam on 3rd June)
DELF B1 - Thursday 5th June - £135 (speaking exam on 5th June / Written exam on 5th June)
DELF B2 - Monday 9th June - £150 (speaking exam on 9th June / Written exam on 9th June)
DALF C1 - Thursday 12th June - £195 (speaking exam on 12th June / Written exam on 12th June)
DELF B2 - Monday 16th June - £225 (speaking exam on 16th June / Written exam on 16th June)
*The fees are to be paid on the following account :
Alliance Francaise de Leeds
Virgin Money (formerly Yorkshire Bank)
Sort Code: 05-01-66
Account number: 37315885
Your enrolment will be confirmed once the form has been submitted and the payment has been received.
Examination enrolment will close at the time indicated on the national calendars. Candidates are entitled to a 14 day cooling-off period after signing up for an examination. There may be special circumstances in which the examination centre will consider transferring enrolment to a further session / reimbursing fees paid once the 14-day cancellation period has passed. Any such case will be considered on its own merit and any decision taken will be at the discretion of the examination centre.
It is the candidate’s responsibility to check that their name and details are exact and correctly spelt on their statement of entry, as they appear on their passport. The same details will appear on the candidates’ final certificates. It is the candidate’s responsibility to inform the examination centre of any error in their details prior to the session so these can be amended. Any unchecked error leading to a diploma or certificate reprint will incur a surcharge (please see article 16).
Any discrepancy between a candidate’s examination registration details and their passport (eg diminutive used instead of full given names) may lead to the candidate being refused access to the examination room.
Candidates should inform the examination centre should their details change during the examination period (from enrolment to the arrival of diplomas up to 6 months later)
Should they have any special needs, candidates should inform the examination centre and provide a medical certificate at the time of registration. Each case will be considered individually and candidates will be informed as early as possible of their eligibility for access arrangements.
Examination dates may be subject to alterations or cancellation in all cases of force majeure.
Once set, the schedule of oral examination dates and times may not be altered.
Oral examinations may take place early in the day / late in the evening. There may be a long gap between a candidate’s oral and written examinations, and oral examinations may be held on a different day to written examinations to accommodate the number of candidates enrolled.
Oral examinations may be recorded.
Statements of entry / oral examination schedules will be sent two weeks prior to the examination. Candidates are required to check email attachments sent to them. It is the candidate’s responsibility to enquire at least one week prior to the examination if they have not received an email from the examination centre, so they can make the necessary arrangements.
Candidates should arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of their examination. Late arrivals will not be accommodated.
Candidates will be required to bring official proof of identity on their examination days. Only the following original documents will be accepted: passports, national ID cards, photo driving licences, national residence permits with photo. Failure to produce one of the above-mentioned cards will deny candidates access to the examination room.
DELF/DALF candidates will be informed by email whether they have passed or failed, and their detailed scores will be provided.
Diplomas must be collected by the candidate at the examination centre within two weeks of notification and against official proof of identity. No certificate / diploma will be sent directly to candidates by post.
Should a candidate find themselves unable to collect their diploma, they may write a letter of proxy authorising a third party to collect their documents on their behalf. The letter must be manually signed and bear the name of the candidate, the name of the person collecting their document, the name of the examination and document, and the date. The third party will bring the printed letter, their own passport or photo driving licence, and a photocopy of the candidate’s ID. A proxy letter template is available here.
Diplomas may not be reprinted unless to amend an error on the original document. In case of loss or damage, a duplicate may be ordered. Any diploma reprint (either to correct an error in details or to provide a duplicate in case of loss/damage) will incur a fee of £25 per diploma. Please note reprinted/duplicated diplomas may take up to 12 weeks to arrive; they must be collected in person by the candidate against official proof of identity.
For candidates under the age of 18, the responsibility of all of the above falls on their parents or legal guardians.
DELF Prim candidates and all candidates under the age of 16 are required to be accompanied by an adult (parent, teacher or guardian) at all times when at the examination centre in between examinations. The responsibility of the child remains with the parent / guardian / teacher. The examination centre cannot accept unaccompanied candidates under the age of 16.
Parents or guardians of a minor wishing to collect their certificates / diplomas will need to bring their own ID and their child’s ID when collecting the documents.
For any questions, please contact us at